Make a Donation in Dr. Pick's memory to the cancer center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Share A Story to help us build the memorial program that is scheduled for 3/29/2025
Remember and Honor Dr. Pick by registering for and attending the virtual memorial for Dr. Pick on 3/29/2025.
With the help of the caring team at Northwestern Medicine, Dr. Pick conquered a rare form of Cancer of the Appendix. The experimental treatment he received at Northwestern Medicine saved his life.
One of Bob’s lifelong hopes was to see the day we conquer cancer. Your generous donation to the cancer center programs at Northwestern Memorial Hospital will bring us one step closer to seeing Bob’s dream come true.
We KNOW that Bob would be overwhelmed with gratitude at the quality and quantity of tributes from all over the world. He had a huge impact on so many of us. We will be looking into ways to memorialize our dear friend in a meaningful way and will let all of you know about it through this page and other FB pages in the very near future.
Let’s keep Bob in our hearts and carry a little bit of Super Coolio Awesome wherever we go.
Bob, your legacy will go on.
Dr. Pick's Legacy will be realized through this Memorial Fund
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Biographical info from
Dr. Robert Pick was a Board Certified Periodontist. He received his Dental Degree (1980), Certificate of Residency in Periodontics (1982) and his Master of Science Degree (1982) all from Northwestern University Dental School. Dr. Pick was engaged in full time private practice of at Progressive Periodontics & Implants in Aurora, IL. Dr. Pick believed in delivering the highest quality dental and periodontal care to his patients through state-of-the-art techniques, hi-tech equipment, team planning, education, and a highly specialized and trained staff.
He was also a member of the attending staff of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and a Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery at Northwestern University Medical School. Dr. Pick was a Fellow in both the American and International College of Dentists.
A popular lecturer, Dr. Pick presented programs both nationally and internationally on practice management/motivation, the Internet and periodontics and implant dentistry. He published numerous articles in the scientific literature, authored periodontal chapters in Clark’s Clinical Dentistry, Dental Clinics of North America, other chapters and manuscripts and co-edited the text “Lasers in Dentistry.” He was a pioneer in using lasers in dentistry. Dr. Pick was featured on live closed circuit TV programs at the Chicago Dental Society and at the Hinman Dental Meetings. He was recognized by Dentistry Today as one of the top Leaders in Continuing Education. Dr. Pick was the recipient of the 1998 Gordon J. Christensen Outstanding Lecturer Recognition Award.
Dr. Pick’s lively and fast-paced lectures and workshops, whether presented to practicing dentists and their staffs, hygienists or students, were educational, motivational and highly entertaining. He was an official spokesperson for the American Dental Association. Dr. Pick was frequently featured in the broadcast and print media throughout the U.S. and abroad including: Good Morning America, Fortune, Self, Wall Street Journal, Glamour, McCalls, Popular Mechanics, Cosmopolitan, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, Lears, CBS, NBC, ABC, Lifetime TV, Ladies Home Journal, others, and even The National Enquirer.
In his spare time, Dr. Pick was a commercially rated pilot, an avid guitar player and a collector of Classic Corvettes.
Lessons from the life of a giant...
All gifts in memory of Dr. Robert Pick will be directed to support the cancer center programs at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
My friend, mentor and dentisting human Robert M. Pick strived to inspire the dental world daily and was known for his motivational Monday posts. Without Bob in my life, I would not have made as many videos, would not have had my business card on me when I needed it and would not have felt as supported in building this nacho community. I am so grateful that Bob “had my back” and helped me continuously LEARN, LAUGH, and FEEL LESS ALONE.
Robert M. Pick was more than a friend—he was a guiding light, a mentor, and a source of unwavering encouragement. Dr. Pick had a way of making everyone feel valued, always checking in, always reminding us of the importance of integrity, professionalism, and excellence. His wisdom and kindness were matched only by his passion for dentistry and for helping others grow, not just as professionals but as people. Thank you Bob for being a part of my life. The Purple Cow you gifted me last year means even more to me now and will remind me of the many lessons you shared with me. Maybe you RIP.
Bob loved sharing his knowledge and wanted everyone to succeed. His Purple-Cow-Wow philosophy was so impactful that I often teach it to my children.
Once in a lifetime, we encounter an extraordinary human being who makes a positive impact on others—and Bob was one of those individuals. Although he is no longer with us, his teachings and messages continue to inspire.
We have only a limited time on this earth. Always strive to be great and create a positive impact on your loved ones and the people you serve. Face challenges head-on and enjoy the journey.
I have been blessed with a 46 year relationship. He took me up in a small plane and later I would return the favor. I have been able to take my team members to Appalachia and the Navajo Nation because he encouraged me to become instrument trained. He was a huge supporter of my Doctors Without Borders and my veteran day clinic hosting. His help was significant. He did not seek credit. The help was at a high level. Our shared mantra, always with ethics and excellence. Thank you Bob, your fiber of life and dentistry is part of me. Rest in Peace my friend…..
For More Information:
Contact Dr. Alan Stern